State’s Child Protection Agencies Collude with Judges to Defraud Federal Government

State’s Child Protection Agencies Collude with Judges to Defraud Federal Government
© Nev Moore Jan. ‘02

In 1974 Walter Mondale initiated CAPTA (the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act), the legislation that began feeding federal funding into the state’s child welfare agencies. With remarkable foresight Mondale expressed concerns that the legislation could lead to systemic abuse in that the state agencies might over-process children into the system unnecessarily to keep, and increase, the flow of federal dollars. Shortly after CAPTA was enacted there was a dramatic increase in the number of children in foster care, peaking at around 500,000 during the mid-70’s. George Miller, the Chairman of the federal Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, initiated an intensive investigation of the nation’s foster care system after the effects of CAPTA started to become apparent by the soaring numbers of children who were being placed in foster care. An official at the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare admitted to Miller that the government had no idea where many of the nation’s 500,000 foster children where living, what services they were receiving, if any, or if any efforts were being made to reunite them with their families.

To address the obvious free-for-all snatching of children that CAPTA had stimulated, the Committee crafted new federal legislation with the intent of creating accountability and clearer guidelines for the states child welfare agencies. During the crafting of P.L. 96-272 Chairman Miller’s concern was that the federal government was footing the bill for warehousing children in institutions and inappropriate settings without accountability. In 1980 the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act, P.L. 96-272, was enacted. The act included provisions that “reasonable efforts” be made to prevent children from being unnecessarily removed from their homes and placed in foster care. Although CPS has always tried to buffalo the media and the public that they are involved with families due to some sort of horrific child abuse or neglect, there has never been any debate among national policy makers, researchers, and federal agencies that the vast majority of CPS cases are due to poverty or frivolous/social reasons and do not contain elements of real child abuse. If the cases did actually involve acts of abuse they would be criminal, identified and investigated by law enforcement, rather than social workers, and would be prosecuted as such. P.L. 96-272 came into effect partly because Congress determined that a large number of children were being unnecessarily removed from their homes, and, once removed, they were lost in the limbo of foster care for years, many until they just grew too old, when they were then put on the streets at the age of 18.

The Child Welfare League of America testified before a senate subcommittee: “In fact, there were many instances then, as now, of children being removed unnecessarily from their families. It is important to recognize that children are almost always traumatized by removal from their own families.” So, accountability from each states child protection agency was also written in. To receive the federal money the states would have to submit an annual report to the federal government, known as an AFCARS report, that specifically accounts for each child in state care. ACLU Children’s Rights Project attorney, Marcia Robinson Lowry, explained in her testimony to Congress: “As a condition of federal funding, states must have a reasonable information system to identify children in federally-funded state custody.” These requirements were implemented in 1980. Up until 1999 some states were still not filing their federally required AFCARS report to the federal government. According to Jeffrey Locke, former Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Social Services, the excuse to the legislature was that they “couldn’t figure out how to
work their computer system.”

When I called Senator Therese Murray in 1998 to ask how many children had died in foster care in Massachusetts, her aide replied: “We don’t have those statistics.” At that time Senator Murray was the Senate Chair of the Committee on Health & Elderly Affairs, and therefore responsible to oversee the collection and filing of AFCARS data.

The “reasonable efforts” requirements were designed to address these issues by requiring the states child welfare agencies to have specific investigation and assessment policies to minimize frivolous removals, to provide “services” to address and ameliorate conditions that were detrimental to the child’s well-being; to place children with relatives when removal from the home was absolutely necessary; and make efforts to reunite families in a timely fashion. Methods to audit and track compliance with federal requirements were also built in. The states were to establish “citizen review panels” comprised of a specifically designated representation of the population which would include not only members of collateral professional communities involved in child protection, but “parents, foster parents, and former foster children.” Each state was to have at least three citizen review panels. The panels would essentially act as a standing jury of peers and would review CPS cases. Twenty years after P.L. 96- 272 went into effect the citizen review panels have never been established in most states.

Another means of creating accountability was to have the federal authority, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, conduct compliance audits, which are known as Section 427 reviews. The method of enforcement that Congress devised to ensure that the states followed the federal law was to provide incentive funds to the states that documented their compliance with the federal regulations. The states would self-certify compliance, but could be subjected to “periodic” 427 reviews by the Dept. of Health & Human Services. Were the states to find themselves in non-compliance they would simply return the incentive funds. It would seem that providing cash to agencies that are allowed to self-document compliance is a somewhat less than intelligent system. It would be interesting to track down exactly how much money the states child “protective” agencies have returned to the government because they found themselves in non-compliance. Gee, maybe this is rocket science.

Like CAPTA, P.L. 96-272 could only have worked if the federal government demanded compliance and meticulous accountability, and them imposed sanctions for non-compliance. Even better – criminal charges for racketeering for intentional fraud. Mark Soler, director of the National Youth Law Center in California explained:

“The Department of Health & Human Services has failed to promulgate meaningful regulations to implement the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act. It has applied even the minimal federal regulations that were developed in an inconsistent and arbitrary manner, and only token implementation of the laws protecting children.’

Even when HHS finds overwhelming evidence of lack of compliance during 427 reviews, no sanctions are imposed and they continue to keep the fed $$$ pouring in – in violation of their own regulations. Not so much as a slap on the hand or even token admonishment. Certainly explains how CPS developed their arrogance and contempt for any authority – because there is none. Their confidence that they are free from the feds insisting on compliance with the law is well illustrated by the foster care numbers which increased dramatically after CAPTA began feeding federal dollars into the states child protection agencies, then dropped equally dramatically after the enactment of P.L.96-272, which was supposed to create more specific federal regulation and accountability. However, once the state agencies saw that the federal government was not enforcing compliance, the foster care numbers soared once again.

Michael Petit, Deputy Director of the Child Welfare League of America, stated in his testimony before Congress: “A 427 is a meaningless process for most of the states. It represents no kind of sanctions to the states whatsoever for non-compliance.” Marcia Robinson Lowry told Congress: “States are passing HHS audits with systems in which no reasonable person could consider that children are being well treated. It is virtually impossible to fail a 427 audit.”

The initial concept of “reasonable efforts” was the only conclusion that any rational person could come to: rather than disrupt children’s lives, and traumatize them by seizing them from non- abusive situations and placing them with strangers (who are often no better, and sometimes far worse), assist families in overcoming their obstacles and problems by providing support and services. The idea never worked, though, because it has always been more profitable to too many to remove children rather than keep them at home. Rather than offer support and simple, practical services to families CPS forged contracts with vendors. Now private businesses, under the guise of “service providers”, could mushroom into existence knowing that their sugar daddy, CPS, would provide a never-ending flow of coerced clients. The market potential is unlimited – potentially every mother, father, grandparent, and child in the country. Rather than offering practical, meaningful services that are germane to the families circumstances, CPS clients are ordered to engage in “services” with CPS-contracted vendors; special interest groups who are dependent on CPS for their income and profit by maintaining the levels of children in foster care, and whose interests are protected by a bureaucracy intent on securing it’s own survival and protecting unlimited growth.

The extent of which CPS is allowed to continue to operate while being so far out of compliance with the existing state and federal laws is mind boggling. It would be a challenge to find any other agency in our countries history that operated in such gross and blatant violation of the law with absolutely no intervention from the administration. Tens of millions of tax dollars are being squandered on a system that is destroying families and causing lifelong emotional ruin to children – and those are the lucky ones who live through it.

The most egregious area of outright criminal fraud is CPS’s practice of filing their federally required documentation of compliance in secrecy through the courts. The federal foster care reimbursements are channeled through the Title IV-E section of the Social Security Act. Each states child welfare agency enters into a contract with the federal government, which is referred to as their Title IV-E state plan. It is this contract that spells out the responsibilities that CPS must, by law, comply with in order to receive their federal funding. To document compliance with the fed regs CPS must file a form through the courts in each individual case. In Massachusetts these forms are referred to as a “29-C.” 42 U.S. Code, ss 672 reads:

“These requirements are not mere formalities. The Finance Committee of Congress, in preparing its summary for final passage of the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980, P.L. 96-272, stated; ` The Committee is aware of allegations that the judicial determination requirement (sic: that a judge makes a determination that a child needs to be removed from the home) can become a mere pro forma exercise in paper shuffling to obtain federal funding. While this could occur in some instances, the Committee is unwilling to accept as a general proposition that the judiciaries of the States would so lightly treat a responsibility placed upon them by federal statute for the protection of children.”

1980 U.S. Code Cong. and Admin. News: “A judicial determination of those efforts (reasonable efforts, as defined in the Act) serves to closely examine, in the case of each individual child, whether reasonable efforts were made to keep the family intact.” In accordance with the federal requirements the Massachusetts legislature enacted G.L. c.119 ss 29b, which requires all judges to certify that the Department of Social Services met the obligation grounded in the federal statute of making reasonable efforts to protect the child short of removing him or her from the parents, and, if the child was removed, making it possible for the child to return home in a timely manner. Rather than “closely examining”, in Massachusetts this grave responsibility is carried out by judges by rubber stamping stacks of 29c forms that simply contain three “yes” or “no” check boxes. In many instances making three check marks is even too much work for Massachusetts judges and they rubber stamp the forms while leaving them blank – never mind actually verifying that the “reasonable efforts” were made. In return for these forms DSS receives it’s federal money.

The three questions are:

1. Continuation in the home is contrary to the well being of the child?

2. Reasonable efforts have been made prior to the placement of the child to prevent or eliminate the need for removal of the child from his/her home?

3. Reasonable efforts have been made to make it possible for the child to return to his parent/guardian?

I discussed this issue a few years ago with Veronica Melendez at the Children’s Bureau (the federal authority). She told me that the federal government was under the impression that all parties were present in the court room at the time of the filing of the 29c’s, so that the parents attorneys had the opportunity to object, rebut, or verify the “reasonable efforts.” In reality, no one sees the federal forms except the judges and a representative of DSS’s main legal department. Attorneys ask us how we ever “got our hands on” the 29c forms, as we have never yet met an attorney who has seen the forms, let alone have been notified of the filing hearing. We even have forms on which the “no” boxes were checked, yet the children were still removed from their homes and federal funds collected for them.

By seizing children illegally in violation of the Title IV-E requirements, then filing false documents in secrecy through the courts to obtain federal funding, CPS is defrauding the federal government with intent. CPS should be subject to investigation and prosecution by the U.S. Attorneys Office. They should be held liable for the restitution of all illegally obtained funds, and prosecuted for perjury, obstruction of justice, and the fraudulent collection of federal funds under the False Statements and Accountability Act of 1996, P.L. 104-292 110 stat 3459, 42 U.S.C.S. 670-679a; P.L. 96-272; C.F.R. part 1356; and Title IV-E. I have discussed this issue with the Inspector Generals Office and they felt it could possible be prosecuted under RICO, yet they have also failed to act, possibly because it isn’t just CPS/DSS who is committing federal fraud, but also the judges who are signing the documents.

In 1988 George Miller, the original architect of P.L. 96-272, and Chairman of the congressionally appointed Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, recognized the fraud being committed in the name of child “protection”, and stated:

“What has been demonstrated here is that you have a system that is simply in contempt. This system has been sued and sued and orders have been issued and they just continue on their merry way. And HHS just continues to look the other way. You have a system that is not only out of control, it’s illegal at this point. What you are really engaged in is state sponsored child abuse.”

From FBI Investigating This CPS Office!, 2008/09/14 at 3:08 PM

Child Protective Services Stealing & Sex Trafficking Children Stories Could Get You Killed – But They Must Be Exposed

Child Protective Services Stealing & Sex Trafficking Children Stories Could Get You Killed – But They Must Be Exposed

Editor’s Note: I post the following with great remembrances of my family’s own dealing with CPS in our state. It was not pretty and the incompetence of the social workers we dealt with, as well as many of the doctors was staggering, but to have children taken and then trafficked to who knows where and to whom is sickening. Once you read this piece, take time to read this additional article, which can be found here, concerning Benghazi and child trafficking. I have not had contact with Dave’s source, but I was contacted directly by the woman who fed the late Nancy Schaefer her information on the child sex trafficking going on from the east coast into the San Diego area and out to the world. This woman’s children were taken from her, but she was able to get one of them back and flee to Mexico. There is much more I could disclose about this woman and may do so at a future date. For now, the threat is real in the United States that children are being stolen from families, put into sex trafficking rings and being trafficked around the world, and in some cases it’s to fund Muslim warfare in other countries, and apparently Barack Obama supports it.

I couldn’t sleep last night.

I am scared for myself and my family. I feel like I am being dragged into something that is a real danger to us.

I reflected and prayed and came to the decision that I will do what is right and trust in God to protect us. I am sure a lot of people will laugh at me and say this is just another one of those “conspiracies” from D.C. Clothesline.

I can’t do anything to change the minds of those who can’t see how corrupt and evil things have become. All I can do is tell you that my gut is twisted in knots and I don’t know what to do. I want to run and I want to hide.

At the same time I think what it would feel like if I were Dave or Monika now.

Who are Dave and Monika?

Dave is Dave Hodges. He is an associate of mine and the host of The Common Sense Show. He allows me to reprint his blog articles. He is a good man. His passion in life is to get to the bottom of stories and he did just that a couple of weeks ago when he blew the lid off of a scandal so big that it put him in danger. Dave found evidence that Child Protective Services has been used as an arm of vengeance, from the powers that be, and is now engaging in child sex trafficking.

Monika is a State Department employee that has lost her son Dylan, allegedly because she is on the wrong side politically. Dylan is currently being sexually abused in a home with two sodomites. You won’t likely read this story in very many places, because it is one of those stories that is just simply too big. It is one of those stories that gets people killed.

This is like IRS targeting on steroids.

Monika emailed me yesterday. I had no previous contact with her. She was Dave’s “source.” I didn’t know her, but she looked me up because she was concerned. Here is that email…


Thank you for passing the stories along that Dave Hodges wrote about Dylan and I. DFS has started attempts to silence me and intimidate me. I am scared for my son’s and my safety. My power went out in my apartment for a whole night and day, thus causing my surveillance cameras to be powered off, while I was not home. No one in my entire apartment building lost power, just me. Dave’s website just went down, none of the stories work. Can you please ask people on your webpage to please re-post the stories all over the web. I have a feeling “someone” is taking down all links and stories pertaining to Dave Hodges, Mary Tyndall, and myself.

Thanks –

Monika Wesolowski


Should “anything” happen to me (would NOT be of my own doing) please circulate information about DFS/CPS corruption and child sex trafficking, and please share my story of how CPS stole my son and is trafficking him out to homosexual pedophiles.

I am very slow to answer emails lately. There just aren’t enough hours in the day. I happened to see hers about 7 hours after she sent it. I exchanged a couple of more emails with Monika and she told me that Dave has taken his site down and is laying low for a few days. Apparently he has received threats toward his family. I also told her that I would do something to try to raise some more awareness for her this weekend. That is what I am trying to do now.

I don’t ask this often but I would ask for anyone who cares to please share this article far and wide. This story has to come to light somehow. The mainstream media sites and sources will not pick this story up because of their agendas. Some of the larger alternative sites were talking to Dave the last time I was updated, but to my knowledge they had not released this story yet. I know that was one of the sites Dave mentioned. Other sites are likely scared of getting involved in this. For anyone who remembers the Franklin Credit Union Child Trafficking Scandal, you will realize that these stories can result in a lot of untimely deaths for investigators and witnesses.

This is not my story and I do not know all of the details. So I am simply going to reprint what Dave previously wrote and hope that it somehow gains traction. I am putting my belief in the Patriotic people of this country to make this story be heard. Please remember that you are the new media and you cannot be silent. There are some very frightened people that are counting on us. We can’t keep looking the other way. We cannot keep letting these people get by with these heinous acts.

Illinois and Virginia CPS’ Conspire to Steal and Sex Traffic Children

Posted on May 17, 2014by Dave Hodges

When holding on to sensitive information, I have found it prudent to go public as I believe it gives the greatest chance of not becoming a statistic such as BreitbartHastingsClancy and appropriately in this case, Nancy Schaefer. Subsequently, I am publishing notice of the fact that the state of Virginia Child Protective Services is sex-trafficking in children that it illegally seizes and that the Illinois Child Protective Services is cooperating with Virginia in order to complete  a child abduction with sex-trafficking connections.

Obamacare and Child Abduction

Nearly three weeks ago, I wrote an investigative article which exposed a massive conspiracy designed to separate parents from their children and an obscure element of Obamacare would subsequently give the government complete control over your children.

In the article, it was documented that  Human, Health and Services (HHS)  and their state level emissary, Children Protective Services (CPS) are engaged in a conspiracy which will culminate in (1) the Agenda 21 designed breakdown of the family; (2) the eradication of any semblance of parental authority over children; and, (3) unbridled and unfettered access to seizing children from the home in unlimited quantities for whatever nefarious purposes (e.g. child sex trafficking) which might dictate the volume of child seizures.

Based upon the emails and comments the article generated, it became clear that most people saw the threat to American children as being real. However, there were the typical allegations of fear mongering and falsifying facts and conclusions by the programmed sheeple in this country who would have everyone believe that there is no such thing as a conspiracy in which two, or more, bad people would ever jointly plan to do something nefarious. Well, it did not take more than 24 hours after publishing the article for me to receive notification of a case that would parallel the hysteria I was promoting in the April 29, 2014 article.

The case, in question, involves a single mom, Monika Wesolowski, who just happens to be a State Department employee with a security clearance.  I am vaguely aware that some of her work involves ambassadors and the White House. Please note that if Wesolowski can be targeted by the new Obamacare “child protection” guidelines, given her lofty federal employee status, then we should conclude that no parent and no child is safe from the evil intentions of this administration and some of its sex trafficking minions.

With absolute certainty, it can be stated that the Virginia Child Protective Services and its partner, the Department of Family Services, along with the Illinois Child Protective Services are conspiring to steal children and sex traffic these same kids

A Quick Review of Obamacare “Child Protection” Provisions

This unprecedented program mandates a partnership between various United Nations organizations and ICF, acting on behalf of HHS, CPS and Obamacare (i.e. The Affordable Health Care Act). The evidence demonstrates that Obamacare is representative of the fact that our families are living in a Hitler Youth Movement hellish nightmare in which the state owns and can seize your children for whatever reason and purpose they deem appropriate.

After reviewing HHS, CPS and UN documents, what is being presently reported in the alternative media is merely the tip of the iceberg with regard to HHS’ intentions toward the ultimate outcome of the children in this country. After reviewing the documents, there is no doubt that Obama is representing international interests which will seek to remove as many children as possible from the homes of their parents in the spirit of the Hitler Youth Movement.

In the 110 page HHS/CPS manual, written by the UN think tank group ICF, on behalf of HHS, now serves as the field manual for CPS child snatching operations. The new “variables” which comprise child neglect, worthy of government intervention is frightening beyond any words I can find to express their undisguised intentions.

Under the HHS/CPS policy manual, they label any “grounding” of a child as neglect by isolation. There are no time frames set forth which constitutes isolation and it is left to the field representative. This obviously erodes parental discipline.

If your child is judged to be underachieving in school, this is referred to as educational neglect and is worthy of governmental intervention. Further, if your child is absent for five days in any one month from school, the same allegation would be made against the parent.

If your child has ADD or ADHD, you could be accused of neglect because the document details how this can be somehow caused by poor nutrition, although the variables associated with the cause are not specified.

Of course, no Obama inspired program would be complete without an attack upon the Second Amendment. Obamacare is no exception as one of the criteria for child neglect  are parents who are also gun owners.

I am sure that now some of the sheeple remember this referenced article where provided detailed documentation on how Obamacare allowed for CPS to steal children for nefarious purposes. They said it just was not true. Unfortunately, it is true and I now have a shining example of this horrendous program in action.

Monika Wesolowski and Son Dylan

The father of Monika Wesolowski and the grandfather of Dylan sent Monika the article described above to his daughter. This prompted an introductory email sent by Ms. Wesolowski to myself.  After reading Monika’s email, I had flashbacks to the Stacy Lynne case that I have been working on since December of 2011, when Stacey’s son, Jaden, was stolen by a Judge Julie Kunce Field who was a former consultant to the IMF and World Bank. Stacy’s was not accused of committing any crime except for publicly opposing the Agenda 21 policies in her hometown of Ft. Collins, Colorado. For her public advocacy, she now has no contact with her son and has no idea where the boy is living.

Wesolowski is guilty of even less that Stacy Lynne, who was guilty of nothing. She is guilty of being a conservative working in an ultra-liberal environment. She has an NRA bumper sticker on her car, he screen saver promotes conservative causes and she is not personally and morally on board with the “gay” and “green” agenda that has come to dominate every federal administration under the most liberal President in American history. Wesolowski does believe that she has been targeted because of Catholic based, conservative views. She has been audited by the IRS and “randomly drug tested” by her employer. Before you dismiss these occurrences as random events, keep in mind that the enforcement agent for the new snatch and grab policies of Obamacare is the IRS and that this President has been exposed for using the IRS to harass Tea Party members and uncooperative members of the mainstream media.

Wesolowski Makes Contact

On April 30, 2014, I received a lengthy email from Monika Wesolowski who detailed how her son Dylan was stolen from her home without any legitimate provocation.

On 4/30/2014 11:07 AM, Monika Wesolowski wrote:


I read your article in the RBN about how HHS is taking away children through means of CPS. This happened to me in December of 2013, the night before my son turned five years old. He is on the spectrum of Autism with PDD, sensory processing, and behavioral disorders. He is in special education. Our lives were turned upside in a matter of hours. I had no idea prior that this would happen. They came in SWAT gear to my home, with CPS arriving over an hour later. The ordeal lasted from 8:30pm to past 11pm. I did not let them in my home, and in this way they classified me as a danger. They claimed I choked my son 2 days prior and therefore he was in imminent danger of life and that they were taking him away. I never hurt my son. It was the first sign of a skin condition, eczema patches, that my son started having. He had one small round one on the back of his neck. This is what they used against me. They did not take him to a doctor but ruled on hearsay. Once in temporary custody of my neighbors, we immediately took my son to the pediatrician, who claimed there was no injury and no bruising. (EDITOR’S NOTE: I HAVE THE PEDIATRICIAN’S REPORT AND THE APPEARANCE OF A RASH WAS SUBSTANTIATED, NOT BRUISING FROM SOME MYTHICAL ATTACK). She stated my son had a skin condition and provided medication. CPS was very angry that we took him to the doctor. They used the doctor’s report against me saying I coerced the doctor and that I was trying to use the medication as a cover. I was never arrested or criminally charges, rather my son was taken based off hearsay and Civil Court Order, an Emergency Removal. Once in court, the judge refused to incorporate any medical records. By this time my son was in a foster home of two gay men. I am Roman Catholic and have been very opposed to the foster home. By the time this went to court, there were two medical records as my son was taken to the pediatrician while in foster care and given medication for a second eczema (dermatitis) rash. He has had a few of these rashes since the ordeal started. 

My son was kidnapped by CPS in order to traffic him into foster care. He is in a home of two gay dads. I don’t know what to do. I live in Fairfax County, Virginia, which is now exploding with more cases such as mine. I am having a hard time getting a lawyer, no one wants to oppose the system. People are afraid. They have now accused my son’s daycare of child abuse. The daycare testified on my behalf in court, so they are now accusing the daycare of abusing my son and pulling out his hair, leaving bald marks, and putting poop in his face. I know this is all false also. When they removed my son from my home, they took him out of the daycare too, so these were new charges, even though he was no longer attending. They are trying to scare everyone around me.

I am a good mother, and my son has developmental disabilities. This was used to interrogate and coerce my son, and kidnap him. The father started this mess when he lost custody and all appeals, I had won sole legal custody. Two months later they were taking my son away and the ex now had the chance to modify custody. He added false claims of abuse and has been working with CPS and DFS (Dept. of Family Services) to keep our son in foster care.

I need help or advice. Can you put my story out for people to see? Can you help me expose this more, or maybe let me know if you know of anyone that can help?

Kind Regards,

Monika Wesolowski

Falls Church, VA

Monika went to court to try and get her son removed from CPS custody. She took the pediatrician’s report as well as the CPS psychological investigation which stated that Monika posed no threat to her son and the fact that the boy had not been injured. Amazingly, the judge would not allow the evidence to be entered into testimony leaving with the conundrum of this being her word vs. the word of CPS.

Monika has sent me the following in a later email:

Attached are also the pediatrician records I tried to use in court, with sworn affidavits. The 12/9/13 is the evaluation to prove I did not injure my son. The full CPS report is attached too. It’s full lies and fabrication, they refused to also use my maiden name despite that I was divorced at this point. They also listed me as Hispanic in one section in order to justify their funding.…

Speaking of funding, All CPS organizations receive $ 5,000 for each child taken from the home and that money is paid by HHS. If the child and mother are minorities, the funding stipend increases, hence the Hispanic designation.

Many of these new wards of the state simply disappear and are never heard from again as was the case in Oklahoma. This is the kind of case that got former Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer killed for daring to expose the criminal connection between CPS and child sex trafficking done by organizations like DynCorps and HSBC Bank.

Child sex trafficking is big business and the business is run like a Mafia organization which eliminates with extreme prejudice those persons who would expose the practice. As an aside, I am all too cognizant of the fact who and what I am dealing with. Therefore, I have distributed the Wesolowski “proof” of these claims to trusted sources for all the obvious reasons. This article also represents a kind of insurance policy as well.

Monika Wesolowski Can Prove What She Claims

Rather than placing Dylan with family and close friends as a foster care arrangement, CPS has opted to place the boy with two gay men. This is where the situation becomes very concerning. Gay rights advocates can relax, I am not going to discuss the wisdom of such a custody arrangement. Rather, I am going to expose reported criminal activity of two men who have no CPS oversight with regard to their parenting of Dylan.

As result of Monika’s visitations with Dylan, she has made some frightening discoveries. Dylan has “marks” in sensitive areas consistent with sexual abuse. The information is graphic and I am trying to determine the best method to release this photographic evidence. In addition, Dylan has regressed to defecating in his pants. He has unexplained fits of temper where he talks about cutting off his hands and the hands of others. Think sexually, this boy is describing the mechanics of sexual abuse.  As some readers know, I am a former mental health counselor. If this case was taking place in my state of Arizona, I would be compelled to report these facts to the authorities or face going to jail.

Here is another excerpt of an email that Monika sent me with graphic evidence.

These are the photos I sent to my new attorney concerning my son’s abuse & neglect, and fear or sexual abuse.

His dermatitis rashes are on his back and shoulder and have been there for at least several weeks, are getting worse. My son is skinnier and has lost weight since in the foster. He last yelled repeatedly that he wants to cut his hands off over and over and over prior to the bath….

Why the Delay In Reporting This Case?

Up until this point, I have been publicly silent on this issue because I was hopeful that Monika and Dylan would be reunited and I did not want to muddy the waters. CPS laid out a set of conditions that Monika had to follow if she was going to get her son back. She has fulfilled all of the unwarranted mandates that CPS laid out in order to get her son back. However, CPS/DFS is delaying the reunification until December of 2014. As I have discovered if this case gets dragged out for 12 months, CPS can take the child and no report requirement with regard to status has to be made to the original parent. This mother has no chance of getting her son back.

I delayed in reporting this case because Monika had a meeting, yesterday, with the Virginia Department of Family Services. I was hoping against all odds that she would get her child back and I did not want to antagonize the authorities. The following email description summarizes Monika’s meeting with DFS.

Ok. Met with DFS, all they are trying to do is damage control. I called the police, it’s a county over and their process is I have to talk to an officer first and only then it can go higher. I am saving brief clips of proof along with photos and dates, and going tomorrow during the morning as I have a feeling it will take half the day, and during the day. They won’t let me speak to a detective until I have enough proof, so I’m compiling!

But yes, I will talk on your show. Send me details of exact date, time, and number.

Monika Wesolowski

Virginia and Illinois Are Conspiring to Steal Dylan From His Mother

On May 15, 2014, I received a very disturbing email from Monika which described the following collusion between the Virginia and Illinois CPS with regard to her son’s case.

On 5/15/2014 8:20 PM, Monika Wesolowski wrote:

I just found out from my mom that the department of family services in IL tried to get my parents to sign a statement that I did something to hurt Dylan, and they wouldn’t. So when they signed their name saying I was innocent and that they support me and are on my side, IL said that VA won’t like that, and that my parents have no chance of getting Dylan since they are on my side. My mom is positive their plan is to adopt my son out into foster and no one in the family will have him. They are positive I need to make this all public. She believes DFS has NO intention of giving me my son back, despite what they tell me. I agree. I will try tomorrow, but I’m 99% sure we need to expose this and I need to file a Police report. (EDITOR’S NOTE: I HAD ADVISED MONIKA TO FILE A SEXUAL ABUSE REPORT AGAINST THE TWO GAY FOSTER PARENTS WITH HER LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENT BASED UPON THE EVIDENCE THAT SHE HAD SENT ME).

Monika Wesolowski

I responded with the following show announcement:

On May 16, 2014, at 3:05 AM, Dave Hodges <> wrote:

I am booking you on my show for 2.5 hours from 930pm-midnight, Central, on May 25, 2014.  I am going to invite your contact from the organization you told me about. She called but I have been swamped and will catch up with her on Friday or Saturday.


Dot Connecting

Remember the organizational pyramid I laid out earlier in the article. Obamacare is in charge of all child welfare. The IRS is the enforcement mechanism. HHS and resulting child services is operating under the previously documented UN created document on taking children from parents. HHS is now the de facto parent organization for CPS. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that Illinois, where Monika’s parents live, would cooperate with Virginia’s CPS in getting Dylan away from Monika’s entire family to fulfill their immoral mandate.


This practice is a globalist practice given the fact that the operating procedures come from the UN. Does anyone still believe that anyone can acquiesce and coexist with any New World Order Agenda?

I will be providing updates on this most regrettable case in the near future.

Dave Hodges is the Editor and Host of The Common Sense Show.

###End of Original Article###

Again, I am asking people to share this and help get the word out.

I am also asking you to pray for all involved.

I have young children and I really did not want to get involved, for obvious reasons. But someone has to speak for the woman who has already lost her child, and for the man who is in fear for his family’s safety because of exposing the story. Someone has to speak for the frightened young child who has been away from his mother for too long.

Please do whatever you can to help. Somehow we must all find the courage to do whatever it takes to purge this country of the sickness which has overtaken it.

Dean Garrison, Publisher of The D.C. Clothesline



For those of you first dealing with CPS, in my opinion, just don’t sign anything that gives them control of your children, don’t let them in your home without a warrant, and don’t talk to them. They are the enemy and they are not looking out for the children. They give judges false information to obtain warrants. Try and find out what information they said to get a warrant if they do.

If you don’t talk to them, they make threats. That’s all they are, threats. Don’t give them any information. They will twist it and rewrite it as they understood what you said, which is usually has nothing to do with what you were really saying. Don’t trust your lawyer. He is on their side too.  Do the research and tell him what you want him to do, don’t let him talk you into something you don’t want to do, or would even be the worst things you could do.

Fight and make them prove everything they say. If there was real child abuse going on it would be a criminal matter. If they can’t charge you with a crime, then there is no child abuse taking place. Don’t be afraid and don’t let them wear you down. Best of luck.

There is some very good information about fighting CPS here.

Fighting Child Protective Services False Accusations
Family Rights v. Child Welfare

November 28, 2010

Fight CPS Legal Document & Information Library

This Fight CPS Legal Document & Information Library often refers to pages within our FightCPS Message Board Forum. In order for some of the links to work you must be (1) registered, and (2) logged in – at the message board.

This library contains forms and information on legal procedures. I will add more links as I find them.


(1) Do not give CPS any self-incriminatory information on affidavits, declarations, or other legal documents.

(2) All information found at FightCPS is used at your own risk. If possible, consult an attorney for help.

(3) These are just sample documents and links to information. You will need to draft your own documents using whatever details are pertinent to your case.

(4) There’s a lot more information on the message board than I’ve linked to on this page. You can start a search for more legal document information here: Alphabetical Index.

(5) If we don’t have what you need, maybe we can find it, or draft a sample for you. The message board is the place to ask for help finding a legal document sample. You can also request feedback on your case.


Declaration of Facts

Objections and Corrections to the Report of the Social Worker

Appeals – Declarations

Sample Appellant Brief


Appellant Brief – Sample

Legal Briefs in Child Welfare

Civil Rights

Petition For Removal of Case to Federal Court

Indian Child Welfare Act

ICWA is a disaster for many families

Class Action Lawsuits

Class Action Lawsuits – News and Links to Sample Documents

Judicial Opinions

How To Read A Judicial Opinion

Appeal re: Motion to File a Belated Appeal After TPR

Non-custodial parents’ rights

The county is not immune from federal civil rights lawsuits

Judicial Opinions on Appeals From Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) Hearings

What constitutes ‘Imminent Danger’?

Kinship Care

How to Get Grandparent Custody


The Agenda of Court Appointed Attorneys


Motion Bank

Motion For A New Trial

Motion To Strike

More on the Motion to Strike

Sample Court Form For Motions

Motion to Suppress Anticipated Hearsay Testimony

Notice of Intent to Sue

Notice of Intent to Sue


Essential Objections Checklist

Request for Case File

Request for Production of Documents

State Laws

State child protection statutes and CPS Handbooks

Suing – False Reports

Suing Those Who Make False Reports to CPS

Writ of Habeus Corpus

How to Write a Writ of Habeus Corpus

Will Anyone Help With a Class Action Law Suit Against CPS?

I am far from being a lawyer and have no idea how to really fight this section of our government, but if we don’t they will go on destroying families.  Please someone help start a class action suit against “Child Parent Separators”.  They traumatize innocent children all in the name of the old mighty dollar. We all need to put a stop to this, if anyone can help please do.   Thank you, Charlotte

Everyone Needs To Start Fighting

Child Protective Services can take your children too. CPS has come to believe they are above the law and the Constitution, that they do not need a search warrant to come into your home, label you as a child abuser for any reason and make you a criminal based upon their opinion alone, take your children away in a paddy wagon, and put your kids into foster homes pending a court hearing where CPS will try their best to win and permanently take custody of your kids. If CPS loses, they will continue to fight you, slandering your family and listing you as a child abuser in government databases.

CPS is an abusive government agency spiraling completely out of control. It’s time to shut them down.

The unlawful removal of 468 children from the FLDS ranch in west Texas, has put CPS under the microscope. That case has led others to wonder if they can do that to FLDS children, can CPS do that to my children?

CBS 42 investigative reporter, Nancy Wilson, shows us one family who says the same thing happened to them, and eight years later they are still trying to clear their names.

This is the Gates family, Gary and Melissa have 13 children, 11 of them adopted. They saw a need for kids from a variety of backgrounds who need love in a stable home.

Imagine their surprise when 11 government employees, 6 police officers and 5 CPS workers, showed up on their doorstep.

The school called CPS when they discovered that the Gates pinned a baggy with food wrappers inside the shirt of one of the kids that was caught stealing. It included a two page explanation and who to call if there were questions.

The school did make a phone call, to CPS. Gates was shocked to find CPS workers in his home uninvited, especially when CPS refused to leave.

“How can you take 13 kids? That opened my eyes to a whole new way of government.” – Gary Gates

CPS & Police completely ignored the 4th Amendment Constitutional rights of Americans, entered the Gates home, and took away all 13 of their children, without a court order, after a mere phone call. This is a very similar situation to the FLDS raid, except that the phone call that Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (CPS) used to kidnap the FLDS children was a hoax.

Later in court, the reason CPS gave for taking the Gate’s children was that CPS felt that Mr. Gates was uncooperative with them taking away his children, and his unwillingness to cooperate put the children at risk.

Fortunately, the judge ordered the children returned immediately. An independent psychologist conducted his own review and wrote a glowing report, saying, “I’ve never said this about anyone I have evaluated: I admire the Gates, I would not hesitate to place my own children in their care.”

However, even though the judge ordered the case dismissed, and the independent review was praiseworthy, CPS did not care. CPS called the praiseworthy review disappointing and continued to fight the Gates anyway, listing them in the state’s central registry as child abusers.

Even though the Gates were innocent, CPS claims that because their opinion is that the the father emotionally emotionally abused one child by punishing him, and since all the kids saw it, that equals 13 counts of abuse. And, because the wife did not stop it, that equals another 13 counts of abuse for a grand total of 26 counts of child abuse.

The Gates were never charged with any crime, they are guilty based solely on the opinion of CPS.

The Gates have spent the past 8 years and $175,000 trying to get their names removed from the child abuser registry after CPS unjustly listed them.

CPS’ unlawful and massive FLDS raid of the polygamist community’s children may actually result in more Americans becoming aware of these abuses within CPS and the government.

U.S. politicians, such as Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, George Bush, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, do not represent any true change for 2008 elections or US government.

One of the few congressmen consistently standing up for and voting for the Constitution, the rights of the people, and liberty, is Republican Congressman Ron Paul. If you don’t know who he is, take some time to watch some of his videos on YouTube, or read his book The Revolution, you just may be amazed like the rest of us. It’s time to take America back and live by the Constitution, before it collapses as a bankrupt empire.
1. Categories: News & Events
Comments on
Child Protective Services: CPS & Police Abuse Constitution, Invading Homes, Kidnapping Children, Ignoring Courts, and Criminaliz
15 Comments | Add Comment
• cps sucks donkey …
cps sucks donkey boner! these people do whatever they want and it doesn’t matter what outside professionals say you’re good parents they don’t care! they just want to be right, and go after the thousands of dollars in bonuses these cases give them. they wanna go to hawaii, who gives a s**t who’s lives they ruin as long as they have their 2 months holidays. makes me sick!
By stopCPSabuse [Affiliate User] 4 months ago Reply Spam Moderate Up Moderate Down
• Not only …
Not only unConstitution ,but unAmerican and the fact they can over ride the court system their also Nazi like. Taking children because one Moron who works for CPS says so dont even come close to being a fact. The fact their going to go to Hell for destroying loving familys is more likly.
By wtfcares001 [Affiliate User] 4 months ago Reply Spam Moderate Up Moderate Down
• I think CPS had th …
I think CPS had th right to take the kids from the cult. but not the kids from the gates family.
FLDS is a cult D= they were indicted for sexual abuse to the children so CPS made a good call on that one.
But like all news it is bias. Which is why I dont watch the news.
By Karategata [Affiliate User] 4 months ago Reply Spam Moderate Up Moderate Down
• My organization… …
My organization…watch my channel.
By patiencepoet [Affiliate User] 5 months ago Reply Spam Moderate Up Moderate Down
• The news report is …
The news report is biased and fails to mention that emotional abuse can only be proven by a pycholgist.
By crazydan806 [Affiliate User] 5 months ago Reply Spam Moderate Up Moderate Down
• Fantastic. Everyone …
Everyone has is starting to fight back against child protection.

This is wonderful news.
CP has to be made accountable.
By UKSecretCourts [Affiliate User] 5 months ago Reply Spam Moderate Up Moderate Down
• Congratulations to …
Congratulations to these CBS reporters. They are extremely rare indeed. These abuses by CPS have been going on for decades and the secrecy is akin to the nazi holocaust. Are people going to wait until the monsters are knocking on their door when it’s too late?
By firestartersRus [Affiliate User] 5 months ago Reply Spam Moderate Up Moderate Down
• I was a Juvenile …
I was a Juvenile sexual/physical abuse detective for 3 years. I began running into CPS corruption in 2000. I fought in court to get these kids back. Not successful. CPS is out of control. I have found the children they are taking are all white and don’t know why. Thank you for helping the El Dorado children!!! Susie
By subiesisters [Affiliate User] 5 months ago Reply Spam Moderate Up Moderate Down
• Who is Serenah’s …
Who is Serenah’s Angels?
By uo1 [Affiliate User] 5 months ago Reply Spam Moderate Up Moderate Down
• This is war… …
This is war…Serenah’s Angels can help!
By patiencepoet [Affiliate User] 5 months ago Reply Spam Moderate Up Moderate Down
• ,I feel sorry for …
,I feel sorry for people like this doing great things for teens and to be falsely accused f**k all state governments
By undercovamum [Affiliate User] 5 months ago Reply Spam Moderate Up Moderate Down
• this is out of …
this is out of control and they advertise the carers as “carers needed” and they have their own laws its global corruption and a lot of f**ken s**t they need to start doing more investigations like this one abut on a global effort as its like ther tall poppy syndrome,kids are taken unneedlessly and the ones who abuse them have a corrupt way of
By undercovamum [Affiliate User] 5 months ago Reply Spam Moderate Up Moderate Down
• NO decent person …
NO decent person would ever let some demon inspired puke come in and kidnap their kids. You know the truth. Don’t ever stand for that.
By freedommv1 [Affiliate User] 5 months ago Reply Spam Moderate Up Moderate Down
• Can we sue CPS?
Can we sue CPS?
By f8cleopatra [Affiliate User] 5 months ago Reply Spam Moderate Up Moderate Down
• Wondering…if you …
Wondering…if you are a family member denied to intervene if you have a right to appeal that judge’s denial to intervene. I’m going through this.

Don’t Ever Sign Anything Admitting Accusations

CPS takes children with threat and court appointed attorneys that tell you to give custody to them. If there is real child abuse, their would be criminal charges. Never sign anything by giving CPS the power over your children. Fight for your rights!!

Don’t ever let CPS in your home and don’t ever talk to them

I was informed by a lawyer, you don’t have to let CPS in your and you should never let them in, without a warrant. Never talk to them or let your children talk to them. Every case is different, but in my opinion he is right. The lawyer told me that’s how they get a warrant, by rewording what is said and what they see. If you have not done anything wrong do not sign anything giving up any of your rights. If you have abused your children, it is a criminal matter and will be settled in criminal court.